mandag 31. mai 2010

Kentucky Will Soon Boast the Nation's First Net-Zero Energy School

The school district of Warren County, KY, is in the process of constructing the nation's first net-zero energy public school. Kentucky? I am impressed, as Kentucky is not the first state that comes to mind in terms of green building. However, according to this article, the school district is actually quite well-known for their green focus, boasting energy-star ratings on 14 of the districts school buildings, and recently receiving the 2009 Andromeda Star of Energt Efficiency Award.

The school, Richardsville Elementary School, will feature a range of innovative solutions, including a "solar hall", where laptop computers can be recharged, a hall where the students can also witness how much energy is being received from the solar panels. The school will also feature a "geothermal hallway", "water conservation hallway" and a "recycling hallway", where information about the school's energy efficiency will be available for the students.

Looks pretty cool, right?


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